SynbiCITE leads UKTI trade mission to SynBioBeta San Francisco 2015
- Posted on 3 November, 2015
Today, SynbiCITE is leading a UKTI trade mission to synthetic biology conference SynBioBeta San Francisco 2015.

SynbiCITE, along with 12 of the UK's leading synthetic biology companies, is headed to San Francisco, USA, to promote the UK synthetic biology industry to their American counterparts, as well as industry leaders and investors. It is hoped that the mission will lead to numerous new collaborations and partnerships between American and British synthetic biology companies, strengthening the global reputation of the UK as a centre for science.
In order to facilitate the success of the mission's delegates, SynbiCITE and UKTI will be providing them with expert advice, a wide network of contacts and practical support, including facilitating their attendance at SynBioBeta.
The mission will comprise delegates from: Alcmene Bioworks, Bento Bioworks, BioVernier, Desktop Genetics, LabGenius, Nanocage Technologies, Skillfluence, SynbiSTRAIN, Synpromics, Synthace, Touchlight Genetics and ZuvaSyntha.
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