UK Synthetic Biology Start up Survey 2017
- Posted on 12 July, 2017

We would like to invite you to the Breakfast Seminar Launch of SynbiCITE’s UK Synthetic Biology Start-up Survey on Friday 21st July 2017, at 9.00-10:45 a.m.
This breakthrough survey provides, for the first time, a macro perspective of the UK synthetic biology start-up ecosystem, highlighting the changing sources of innovation and entrepreneurship at work in this rapidly growing sector.
Research and development, technology transfer, industrial sectors, financing, investors and regional variation are all revealed. Key findings, as well as the positive and progressive impact of synthetic biology on the UK bio-ecomony in all sectors, are examined.
Place: IET, 2 Savoy Pl, London WC2R 0BL
Registration and breakfast: 9:00am
Start of presentation and panel: 9:30am
Q&A: 10:15am
End of launch: 10:45am
Please register here
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