SynbiCITE House of Lords Investor Breakfast
- Posted on 25 April, 2018
Engineering Biology

The SynbiCITE House of Lords Investor Breakfast was kindly hosted by The Lord Willetts - who instigated the Government’s ‘8 Great Technologies’ programme to capitalise on backing the right technologies and helping to take them through to market, one of which is Synthetic Biology/Engineering Biology.
The aim of this international Investor Breakfast is part of our continued investor introductions to synthetic biology and fast growing synthetic biology/engineering biology companies looking for investment. SynbiCITE, the National Industrial Translation Centre for Synthetic Biology, continues to play an important role in growing the UK’s BioEconomy and the wider economy.
There were over 60 specially invited guests; comprising investors, policy makers, industrialists and academics – as well as representatives of synthetic biology/engineering biology companies seeking investment.
The five companies who pitched were: Colorifix; LabGenius; Prokarium; Zentraxa and Customem.
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