Measurement for Recovery
- Posted on 15 September, 2020

Measurement for Recovery
New programme to help boost competitiveness and resilience of UK industry, led by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
NPL is the UK's National Metrology Institute, with responsibilities that include developing and maintaining the national primary measurement standards. NPL is part of the National Measurement System (NMS) which provides the UK with a national measurement infrastructure and delivers the UK Measurement Strategy on behalf of the department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
NPL has recently announced the new, Measurement for Recovery (M4R) programme which is helping UK companies to invest and grow post COVID-19 lockdown. M4R, which will run until the end of 2020, will allow NPL along with partner National Measurement Laboratories* to support UK industry with access to up to 20 days’ advice, specialist science and engineering expertise and facilities, at no charge. The programme aims to help address measurement or analysis issues that cannot be resolved using standard technologies and techniques, helping boost industry resilience and competitiveness by bringing together some of the UK’s top scientists and facilities with companies.
If you are looking for support and you think M4R can help meet your business needs, find out more, read eligibility criteria and apply online here.
*Led by NPL, the Measurement for Recovery programme enables participants to access the specialist expertise across the UK National Measurement Laboratories - LGC, NIBSC, TUV-NEL, NGML.
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