
Automation and robotics for synthetic biology

  • Manchester, United Kingdom


KTN, Innovate UK and Dstl synthetic biology workshops

The availability of synthetic genes at commodity prices and the possibility of automated (potentially remotely operated laboratories) will be key drivers for synthetic biology over the next three years. This, coupled with innovations in miniaturisation, standardisation and metrology, will realise the vision of taking experimental sciences into the design-test-build era freeing up scientists for creative thinking and design rather than repetitive lab work.The robotics required by synthetic biology are of modest sophistication, but there is a need for simple, easy to use and cost effective off-the-shelf solutions that can be easily integrated as part of an engineering workflow.


This workshop aims to address the knowledge gap between many synthetic biology researchers and the automation and robotics communities. The specific objectives are to:

  • Identify common challenges for automation and robotics integration into synthetic biology projects and how these challenges have been addressed in other similar fields;
  • Identify areas of added value for automation and robotics and new disruptive technologies that could have a long-term impact on the field;
  • Support new collaborations between UK synthetic biology researchers and providers of automation and robotics, and suggest potential ways forward for KTN and Innovate UK.

Event details


Manchester Institute of Biotechnology

Manchester Institute of Biotechnology

The University of Manchester

131 Princess Street

Manchester, M1 7DN

United Kingdom

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